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Connecting Students with Local Business Leaders


Mentor Match Breakfast

Levi Schimschock

The Schimmy Shack

Dave Baker

Baker Hospitality

Sarah Klaassen

Anderson Larson Law Firm

Mark Litchfield

Kovalus Separation Solutions

Bill Pattison

West Central Steel


Our 2023-2024 Mentors

Loren Corle 

Corle Consulting LLC   


Robin Kopel



Colleen McNab

Nova-Tech Engineering


John Kennedy

Nova-Tech Engineering


Derik Peterson

Nova-Tech Engineering


Lyle Lange

Lange Ag Systems


Dave Henle

Heritage Bank


Andy Neis

Marcus Construction


  James Miller

Willmar Lakes Area Chamber


 Jean Geselius

Ten Oaks Design Studio


What is a KCEO Mentor? 

It is our goal to help our students connect with local business leaders. A mentor is someone willing to share their time and expertise. As adults, we fully understand that our success depends on our ability to sustain and foster professional relationships. As a KCEO mentor, you will be paired with at least one student using our Mentor Match Breakfast process. We only ask that you maintain an open line of communication with your mentee. It is on the student, NOT the mentor, to reach out to schedule meetings and establish a relationship. 


What do I need to know to be a KCEO Mentor?

You already know everything you need to help a student. As the students work through the class projects and then start their own businesses, they will have questions…many questions. Our hope is that when they ask you for help you can point them in the right direction. We do not expect that you know all of the answers, but we do believe that you have a network of professionals that you use when you have questions. Simply point them in the direction you would go to find help.


What is the time commitment? 

At most it will be two hours a month. Typically, being a KCEO Mentor amounts to one or two in-person meetings with your mentee and 2-4 emails or phone calls per month. It is the KCEO student’s responsibility to initiate communication. Each mentor/mentee relationship is unique, but by you simply being available to answer quick questions, you are fulfilling your obligations as a mentor. 

Interested in
Becoming a Mentor?

Sign up by completing the form below.

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