Become an Investor
Investors make the KCEO class possible. Our local business community partners with participating area schools to create project-based experiences for students by providing funding, expertise, meeting space, business tours, and one-on-one mentoring. Local business leaders share their expertise as the instructors for the class, hosting them in their actual companies, with the aid of an education-based facilitator to guide the process.
Investor Levels
Super Investors
Sustaining Investors
Emerging Investors​​
Investor Opportunities
All investors in good standing have access to the following opportunities:
Featured on the class website and social media channels, in annual report, and at the Spring Trade Show
Invitation to attend Student Orientation, Investor events, and alumni interactions
Investors can help shape the KCEO program by being part of the KCEO Board
Investors will be offered the opportunity to host, tour or speak to the class once annually and may serve as a mentor to a student in the program
Investors may be offered additional investment opportunities for the class businesses (i.e. name badges, class dinner event sponsorships, etc) that are at your discretion. There is no expectation that your business will invest additional resources unless it fits your outreach goals or budget.
Super Investors:
First access to schedule/host the class at your business
Access to alumni database for future interns and employees
Super investors with special skills may be contacted to speak/teach the class a second time on that specific topic or skill (i.e. an accounting firm may speak on cash flow early in the program year and highlight project management staff tied to the class event at a later date)
Emerging Investors:
New in 2024!
Open for companies of 5 or less employees or start-up companies in their first 2 years.
5 Investor Opportunities
Host students for a tour of your business once a year.
Offer a meeting place for the class for up to 4 weeks.
Speak to the class about your business or workforce skills.
Mentor a student throughout the class year.
Connect with prospective future staff or interns.